Episode 131 | Wuon-Gean Ho

Published March 9, 2022


Episode 131 | Wuon-Gean Ho

This week on Hello Print Friend Miranda speaks with Wuon-Gean Ho, a London-based printmaker who is currently getting her PhD at Centre for Print Research. Wuon-Gean was the first guest on Hello Print Friend and today we return to her to catch up on the last 3 tumultuous years. If you want to hear Wuon-Gean’s full backstory, I highly suggest you check out episode number one. Wuon-Gean is also a practicing veterinarian and we talk about the ways in which interacting with animals intersects with the intuitive nature of art making, her life during lockdown in the most densely populated part of Britain, the prints she made about her life in isolation to send to her father who was in a care facility, and her upcoming panel at the IMPACT conference.